MW LEDClock - classic
LEDClock 1.0

ESP operated wall clock
built from a classical SMD5050 RGB-LED ring with the following features:

and a comfortable Android-App to control the clock. LEDClock - App


  1. ESP8266 module (e.g. NodeMCU or WeMos D1 mini)
  2. WS 2812(b ) SMD5050 LED ring
  3. RTC DS 3231 or similar
  4. PIR module like HC-sr501
  5. LDR
  6. 3A power adaptor with 5V

Software: Arduino IDE with Extension for ESP8266 boards

LEDClock - classic

You will find the commented sketches and the ledclock-apk on github.

Good luck, have fun!

LEDClock - App